PrestaShop is 10 years old!
The famous French e-commerce solution created in 2007 to facilitate the creation of online shops of merchants is celebrating its 10th anniversary!
Founded by Bruno Lévesque and Igor Schlumberger, this free solution mainly adopted for VSE / SME can be installed internally or via a cloud version available since 2015 on OVH instances (Europe and Canada) – See our rates.
The business model is based on the sale of modules and paid themes that has more than 3000 sold between $ 40 CAD and $ 1500 CAD. With a high-performance ecosystem, a growing community, and ambassadors around the world, the Prestashop solution is running now more than 250,000 shops including 50,000 French and some 4,000 Canadian in the world – Rivals such as that Shopify, Magento or WordPress with its Woocommerce plugin just have to stand.
Recently, PrestaShop launched version 1.7.1 of its solution. This latest version has made it possible to optimize mobile browsing (compared to version 1.6. *), The integration of new modules or even the improvement of the module update device, in particular via a totally redesigned and more responsive architecture for the needs of developers (symfony framework etc.).
Test the version 1.6.* here : I like Prestashop 1.6
Test the version 1.7.* here : I like prestashop 1.7
To celebrate this anniversary a barcamp will take place in Paris on June 15, the prestashop day, at the City of Fashion and Design. Ticket here : http://www.prestashopday.com/fr/eventbrite/
We recall that with Quidd, we offer online shops via Prestashop especially for Quebec and Canada from 500$ turnkey –
Feel free to contact us to discuss your needs.