You can download the stable version 1.7 of Prestashop directly on the Prestashop website. Or simply use it already functional on the Quidd site.
To do so, we put two online accesses:
The front-office:
Login : contact@quidd.it – Password : 000000000
The back-office:
Login: demo@quidd.it – Password : 00000000 – Basic profile in editing and navigation
We have set up taxes in the Prestashop version for Quebec and Canada. A simple view allows you to see the power of Prestashop – Feel free to contact us for configuration: Contact Quidd
A reminder of some features of Prestashop v.1.7 at the front office:
- Powerful navigation with a rich menu
- A totally responsive design
- A quick overview of the products
- Promotional banners
- A new theme, basic template
- Simplified display of products by grid or list
- A configurator live theme to manage everything at the design level in a few clicks
- A payment process of 5 to 1 page (one page check-out)
- and many others…
A quick reminder of some features of Prestashop v.1.6 at the back office level:
- Back Office totally responsive
- New creation of product sheets: 12 to 6 tabs
- A new dashboard
- Simpler settings: quantity, shipping, price, SEO and advanced options etc.
- Automatic setting of statistics in real time
- KPIs redesigned
- Simpler module management
- and many others…
Source : http://build.prestashop.com/news/prestashop-1-7-faq/
Feel free to play with the 1.7 demo available and functional on Quidd.it
Contact us to set up your Prestashop store in Quebec – Rates starting at $ 499!